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모바일 전체메뉴
The Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
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(석사학위논문) 정신간호사 선생님들 많이 도와주세요.
[한국간호산업학회] 2025년 동계 학술대회 및 정기총회 개최 안내
2024학년도 춘계, 추계 학술대회 이수증
[온라인 워크숍] '25.2.21(금) 수용전념치료로 트라우마와 위기 개입하기 l 송승훈 원장 진행
(긴급)한국정신간호학회 찾아가는 심리상담 지원 전문가 목록 조사 요청 건
Literature Review on Non-Pharmacological Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Korea
Effects of Stepwise Combined Biofeedback Training on Attention and Self-control of High School Students Based on the Reflection and Reflexion Model
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality-Based Simulation Program for Mental Health Nursing Practicum
Mental Health Condition of Adolescents to Early Adulthood: A Study of Indonesian College Students